So many egos had died, the room smelled like gym socks.
“Find your special place on the floor. Give yourself at least a foot between each other, and make a large circle.”
The room was empty of chairs. The assistants were gone, only MA and IAM were in the room. The group sat cross-legged on the floor in an oval.
“Find your special place on the floor. Give yourself at least a foot between each other, and make a large circle.”
The room was empty of chairs. The assistants were gone, only MA and IAM were in the room. The group sat cross-legged on the floor in an oval.
“To fully receive this gift you will need to keep your eyes closed, stay silent and receive the gifts given.”
The group took a collective breath and a sigh.
The group took a collective breath and a sigh.
For Art the darkness deepened as he let go with each breath. Finer and finer his consciousness let go. A moment of total silence occurred at the top of his breath then passed out his nostrils. The sound of running or falling water drew everyone’s attention to the center of the room.
“Place your hands, palms up in front of your and an angel will wash your hands.”
A warm soft cloth, held by gentle hand, caressed and washed each palm.
The smell of dead ego’s were replaced with sweet jasmine, lavender and vanilla.
A childlike voice began amongst the sound of water, “Welcome to your body. Doesn’t it feel good? It’s great to be alive and smell, and touch, and hear my voice.”
Patchouli, frankincense and sandalwood were wafted toward the neophytes. The resonate sound of wind chimes and a Tibetan bell rang. The sound of rushing water continued.
“A group of angels are here to serve you treats. Put out one hand.”
Bit sized pieces of fruit were individually handed to each neophyte.
“Touch your gift. Smell it. Place it on your tongue and roll it in your mouth. It’s so wonderful to taste.”
A grape, strawberry, raisin, a slice of peach, a chocolate kiss were given to each neophyte. The ten assistants moved in silence, and with utmost care serving the treats and sensations till the group was alit with perma grin.
The voice was an induction toward innocence and appreciation. “Life is so exciting. Everything tastes and feels wonderful.”
When each neophyte had sated his sensors, an angel again washed and caressed their hands and placed them in a gesture of prayer. Then in voices tuned to the magic of the evening, whispered three magic words in their ear.
A warm soft cloth, held by gentle hand, caressed and washed each palm.
The smell of dead ego’s were replaced with sweet jasmine, lavender and vanilla.

A childlike voice began amongst the sound of water, “Welcome to your body. Doesn’t it feel good? It’s great to be alive and smell, and touch, and hear my voice.”
Patchouli, frankincense and sandalwood were wafted toward the neophytes. The resonate sound of wind chimes and a Tibetan bell rang. The sound of rushing water continued.
“A group of angels are here to serve you treats. Put out one hand.”
Bit sized pieces of fruit were individually handed to each neophyte.
“Touch your gift. Smell it. Place it on your tongue and roll it in your mouth. It’s so wonderful to taste.”
A grape, strawberry, raisin, a slice of peach, a chocolate kiss were given to each neophyte. The ten assistants moved in silence, and with utmost care serving the treats and sensations till the group was alit with perma grin.
The voice was an induction toward innocence and appreciation. “Life is so exciting. Everything tastes and feels wonderful.”
When each neophyte had sated his sensors, an angel again washed and caressed their hands and placed them in a gesture of prayer. Then in voices tuned to the magic of the evening, whispered three magic words in their ear.

The room was lit with candles and a guitar began to strum as the voice sang, “It’s in every one of us, to be free. Find your heart. Open both your eyes. We can all have everything without ever knowing why.”
The angels sat with the neophytes, joined hands and joined in song.
The angels sat with the neophytes, joined hands and joined in song.
The group swayed as perma grin and tears of joy filled the room.
“MA has a quick story for you tonight. Then be back early for a busy day tomorrow.” IAM said.
“Once upon a time, not so long ago, there lived a two frogs. A boy frog and a girl frog. They lived in a small pond and enjoyed sitting atop lily pads and croaking where the tasty bugs were, taking invigorating swims, and resting. One day from out the sky there fell a large golden ball. It landed in the pond, creating a large wave that knocked them off their lily pads. “Something has changed,” they said to each other. “We must go out past our own pond and tell the other frogs.” “Good night and thank you for your work.”
“Once upon a time, not so long ago, there lived a two frogs. A boy frog and a girl frog. They lived in a small pond and enjoyed sitting atop lily pads and croaking where the tasty bugs were, taking invigorating swims, and resting. One day from out the sky there fell a large golden ball. It landed in the pond, creating a large wave that knocked them off their lily pads. “Something has changed,” they said to each other. “We must go out past our own pond and tell the other frogs.” “Good night and thank you for your work.”
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