The neophytes were.
“If your mom has passed away, remember she is still present on your scrolls."
Pachelbel Canon in D began to play.
“Okay, let’s start with the feet. This is her understanding, her soles. Do you remember her toes? The arch of the foot? Trust yourself. You’re doing a perfect job. When you’re ready, form the ankle that leads to her strong calf muscles.

“Now where the legs meet the torso form the front and the back. Smooth her stomach and her back. Add the breasts that fed you. Create the area below the neck and her strong shoulders that carried you. Mold her arms out to her loving hands. Hold each finger and form the nails. Kiss the hands, shake them, let them touch you.
“Go back up the arm, massaging it if you like, to the shoulders then sculpt the neck. Do the chin and jaw line. Work around to her nape, and back around to her cheeks and her mouth. Refine your work to do her lips. Remember her nose. Was it cute, large, crooked? Form the nostrils. Then her eyes. Remember the color. Add her brows and any make-up. Add her forehead and then her hair. Short or long, however you liked it or whatever way or color she would do it.
“Now step back. Is there anything else that’s needed? What about clothes? Jewels? Make-up. A scar? Take a moment to appreciate her and your work.

“Now go behind her and find a special zipper, for this is just her vehicle, like a dress. Unzip her and step inside her body. Slip into the legs, the arms, then put your head in hers like a hat. How does it feel in her body? Is she light or heavy? Does she have any pain? Go ahead and move about like her. Get the feel of her.”
There was a longer pause as the neophytes moved about.
“Good. Answer these questions aloud as from Mom. Do whatever you need or feel she would. Go ahead and act it out.”
After each question there were long pauses in which the neophytes responded from quiet whispers to loud rants, screaming, weeping, realizations and insights.
“How does your mom feel about her body?
"How does she feel about being a woman?
"How does she feel about food?
"How does she feel about health?
"What does she think about money?
"What are her feelings about friends and peers?
“Remember to stay in her body.”
IAM asked a long list of questions.
"How does she feel about sex?
"How does she feel about love?
"How does she feel about her mother?
"How does she feel about her father?
"How does she feel about your father?
"Keep in your gut!
"How did she feel when she found out she was pregnant?
"Was she glad, sad, scared or angry?
"How was it giving birth to you?
"How did she feel when she first saw you?
"Did she breast-feed you?
"What was her experience of you as a baby?
"How was she when you walked, and talked?
"What did she tell you?
"What did she tell you about the world?
"What did she tell you about your father? About men? About friends?
"What did she tell you about food? About work? About money?
"Did she talk about god? About love?
"Are there questions that you want to know? Ask her?”
Tissues scattered the floor. Dropped by neophytes who now glowed in
happiness and delight. IAM paused as calmness swept the group.
“Now thank her. Tell her you love her.”
More tissues were distributed.
Then one voice screamed, “I hate you bitch.”
The neophytes gulped as one. “Reach behind your sculptor, unzip and climb out,” IAM said.
“Find the shovel and begin digging her grave. When you are done, lower mom into the grave.
You may read her eulogy, say a prayer, or goodbye
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