Saturday, December 20, 2008

And there were Miracles

An insight or explanation of being reborn or freed from beliefs one imagined were ones own is the key point of this tale. Mr. Writer is aware there are millions, perhaps billions of people who have no reference to this type of change.

Is this the shedding of layers of notions about oneself that were and are false or could it only be a temporary fix?

Was this experience like attaining whole new set of beliefs, or was it just like taking off a raincoat, and it still going to rain.

Were the neophytes grooving a revival, or coming out of the tent back into the old ruts of their life?

At dinner with Joseph, Jules, Dr. Nelson, Teresa, Mona and Art pondered these question. No one had any doubt about the power of this change. About the wisdom of AWE, but all of them had been involved in the psychedelic revolution and agreed they changed, but not to the level of experiences they had with AWE and psychedleic were psychedelics. This was different. There were no drugs, even the leadership of the trainers was mere prodding, efficient, well intentioned and scripted but the work was done inside in every neophyte.

“How are we going to keep this alive? How can we support each other? “ They keep asking.

Back in the seminar room there was lots of sharing about miracles.
Dr. Michael bought an elderly couples dinner without telling them.
Parking spaces appeared right in front of the restaurant.
Diners got free desserts. Some even ate dessert first and joked with the waitress about how desserts reverses stress.
A young child came up to Karla in the restaurant and asked her why she looked so happy. “Because I choose to be happy. You can too, anytime you want too. Life is full of miracles and choosing to be happy can be your miracle each day.”
Everyone applauded.
Karla beamed, taking a moment to look at each of the trainers then said, “Let’s get on with this Love Fest.”
The room broke up with laughter.
“Yes, let’s get on with this Love Fest,” said IAM taking control from the stage. “Let’s recap what we’ve learned.”

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