When all the participants had left the room the door was locked from the inside. When the door was opened the chairs and stage were gone.
“Come in and sit against the far wall,” MA said.
“AWE is about giving you an opportunity not only to look into your past but, to experience significant new moments. It’s Saturday afternoon. Some of you may already know what is coming. It’s time to get ready for Saturday night and you need a date.”
The music played the theme to The Dating Game TV show. Jules and Joe appeared excited. Ruth and Karla sat in silence. Art sat up straighter. Brenda retied her long hair. There were sounds of distraction and discomfort.
“I can see some of you have experienced this game before. Who here is good at this game?”
Jules, Joe, Art and few others raised their hands.
“Who is not good?”
Everyone else raised his or her hands.
“Are you all willing to participate?”
There was no reply. Even the eager ones were reluctant to get excited about a date.
“Since no one objects, here are the rules. You’ll be in a large circle. Our lovely assistants will lead two of you into the center and you will have thirty seconds to choose a date. You choose by walking over and standing in front of someone giving them your most provocative and attractive look. The person can either nod yes. If so, then take person’s hand. If that nod is a no, you’re back to cruising.
“Now, there are options. Some of you may be home wreckers and ask someone who is already attached. You may choose someone for attraction, or because you would normally avoid that person, or that person may remind you of someone out there in life. Try not to choose someone you may already be familiar with. Any questions?”
“What if no one chooses me?” Ruth said.
“Everyone gets a partner. You can choose the person in the circle who is also selecting. If there are only two people left, that is the choice. No talking. Let’s begin.”
The theme from The Entertainers played, and the game began. It was a fun game. Even the rejections seemed full of life. There were attempts at triads, some were told to stop talking, others never said no, some were very picky. The heaviness at the end of the dyad was now replaced with a hand holding partner.
“Come in and sit against the far wall,” MA said.
“AWE is about giving you an opportunity not only to look into your past but, to experience significant new moments. It’s Saturday afternoon. Some of you may already know what is coming. It’s time to get ready for Saturday night and you need a date.”

The music played the theme to The Dating Game TV show. Jules and Joe appeared excited. Ruth and Karla sat in silence. Art sat up straighter. Brenda retied her long hair. There were sounds of distraction and discomfort.
“I can see some of you have experienced this game before. Who here is good at this game?”
Jules, Joe, Art and few others raised their hands.
“Who is not good?”
Everyone else raised his or her hands.
“Are you all willing to participate?”
There was no reply. Even the eager ones were reluctant to get excited about a date.
“Since no one objects, here are the rules. You’ll be in a large circle. Our lovely assistants will lead two of you into the center and you will have thirty seconds to choose a date. You choose by walking over and standing in front of someone giving them your most provocative and attractive look. The person can either nod yes. If so, then take person’s hand. If that nod is a no, you’re back to cruising.
“Now, there are options. Some of you may be home wreckers and ask someone who is already attached. You may choose someone for attraction, or because you would normally avoid that person, or that person may remind you of someone out there in life. Try not to choose someone you may already be familiar with. Any questions?”
“What if no one chooses me?” Ruth said.
“Everyone gets a partner. You can choose the person in the circle who is also selecting. If there are only two people left, that is the choice. No talking. Let’s begin.”
The theme from The Entertainers played, and the game began. It was a fun game. Even the rejections seemed full of life. There were attempts at triads, some were told to stop talking, others never said no, some were very picky. The heaviness at the end of the dyad was now replaced with a hand holding partner.
After everyone had a date, who became their new dyad partner. IAM began asking questions.
“What was your experience?
“Did you really go for what you want?
“Did you feel rejected?
“Were you happy with your choice?
“Did you compare your partner with someone else’s?
“How would you do it different if you could?”
The responses varied.
“I was scared.”
“I don’t go for what I want.”
“I felt terrible saying no.”
“I’m happy with my selection.”
“This was just like high school. I never dated. Wait, this is better than school, I got a date.”
“I enjoyed this. I never felt rejected. I just felt like my first partner made another choice. I wasn’t bad. This is hard to explain but it felt different knowing it was just another choice.”
“Bingo. That is one of the big wins in the Dating Game. No one is really ever rejected. There are other choices. Do you feel the difference?”
Everyone raised a fist in support.
“What was your experience?
“Did you really go for what you want?
“Did you feel rejected?
“Were you happy with your choice?
“Did you compare your partner with someone else’s?
“How would you do it different if you could?”
The responses varied.
“I was scared.”
“I don’t go for what I want.”
“I felt terrible saying no.”
“I’m happy with my selection.”
“This was just like high school. I never dated. Wait, this is better than school, I got a date.”
“I enjoyed this. I never felt rejected. I just felt like my first partner made another choice. I wasn’t bad. This is hard to explain but it felt different knowing it was just another choice.”
“Bingo. That is one of the big wins in the Dating Game. No one is really ever rejected. There are other choices. Do you feel the difference?”
Everyone raised a fist in support.
“Before dinner break I want to share with you how to be a Guru. It’s really quite simple. You pass through the door of opportunity and take credit for whatever is happening in the room or arena.
"For example, you step out into a cloudy day, and as it begins to rain you announce, in your most significant and expressive manner, ‘Rain fall down,’ and you point to the sky and lead the rain to the ground. Like so.”
IAM pointed to the sky and down to the ground with a flourish. “Repeat two of three times so all disciples get the message. Go to the beach and watch the breakers roll onto the beach and sense the rhythm, and as the wave comes ashore signal the waves in and out.
“Tonight when you go out to dinner I want you to use this lesson to direct traffic. Stand beside the road, safely off to the side, face traffic, and as they come in your direction point them ahead, like a traffic cop, smiling and taking full credit as the traffic guru. You can do this with a washing machine. Spin this way, and when the cycle reverses, you reverse your power too, with, now spin that way. Have fun.”
“Tonight when you go out to dinner I want you to use this lesson to direct traffic. Stand beside the road, safely off to the side, face traffic, and as they come in your direction point them ahead, like a traffic cop, smiling and taking full credit as the traffic guru. You can do this with a washing machine. Spin this way, and when the cycle reverses, you reverse your power too, with, now spin that way. Have fun.”

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