“It’s time to get to know everyone. We want each of you to come up on stage and introduce yourself. We want you to answer six questions.
"One, your name, if you forget, it’s on your nametag.
"Two, what you want to be called?
"Three, what you do to earn money?
"Four, how you got here?
"Five, what you want from AWE.
"And six, who in the room you would avoid? I’ll write the questions on the board,” MA said in a well timed segue.
“Now there are a couple of ways to do this. I’ll demonstrate how not too.”
IAM crossed his arms over his chest, stared at his feet and began fidgeting from side to side. He spoke in a hushed tone while holding his breath and speaking very fast.
“My name is IAM Talisman. Don’t call on me. I’m broke. A bus. Money and a girl friend.”
“IAM will you uncross your arms, look up and standstill,” said MA.
IAM exaggerated all MA’s commands. He became a robot staring toward the ceiling.
“Relax and breathe. Speak slower so we can understand you. And if you need help, the questions are on the board,” MA said.
IAM took a deep breath, shook his arms to his side and looked out over the participants, then at the questions on the board. “My name is IAM Talisman. Call me IAM. I’m a self-employed human potential trainer. Dr. B drove me here. I want everyone to get what he or she wrote down on the training application. I want to make three lifelong friends. And, I want more energy.” He looked around the room at all the faces, and then toward MA.
“IAM, who would you avoid?”
“I avoided the question. Let’s see?” He looked around the room again.
“In the back. I can’t see your nametag. Michael.”
So started 46 hours of a non-stop, everything-one-could-ever-ask for and things-no-one-realized-you-could-ask-for experience.
“My name is Art Deco. Call me Art. I sell pounds. By Toyota pick-up. I want to love myself. I’d avoid Teresa.”
Art thought he’d told the group he sold pot. It was his scariest truth. Only
IAM, MA and Art’s buddy Joe knew pounds of what. Art had laid it all on the line, and his ego died, the transformation began.
IAM, MA and Art’s buddy Joe knew pounds of what. Art had laid it all on the line, and his ego died, the transformation began.
Art went home alone, shaking.

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