Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Oracle of Delphi & Daedalus

The bell rang calling the participants back into the room. MA was alone on stage. She seemed to be waiting a signal from the back table.

“We have special ancient trainers. From Delphi, the Oracle. And from Crete, Daedalus, the architect of the labyrinth of Minos.”
The room exploded in laughter as in walked Doctor B. and Doctor K., the producers and main enrollers of the Portland AWE. The two men were dressed as the ancient sages.
Doctor B. wore a long, black woman’s wig, a white short tunic and sandals. We could see the skinny Jewish doctor’s cleavage and erect nipples under the gossamer tunic. His beard, mustache and legs were shaved. As the Oracle, he carried scrolls and wore a crystal pendant.
Following him was Doctor K. His hair had been colored gray and styled to look like the busts of Caesar. He wore a toga, Birkenstocks, and carried a staff and scrolls as Daedalus.
Everyone knew the doctors. Doctor B’s mother and wife were participants. Doctor K’s ex-wife was a participant as were a half dozen of his girl friends. At least thirty Neophytes had taken the doctors classes or were their patients.

“Thank you for giving us a purpose to incarnate and be here now,” said Daedalus.
The Oracle took a posture with legs spread and eyes closed. His hands and head were upturned as if receiving something.

“I am Daedalus. I am here to reveal the ancient truths that IAM and MA wish unveiled. They deem you are ready to know who you are.”
The Oracle began to shake and shimmy. His hands came together in a gesture, like a charade for a book. The Oracle’s eyes opened and focused on the back of the room. “Know thy self!” His eyes closed as he moved hands back to the open, receiving position.
Everyone in the room waited for Doctor K to handle the straight line as Daedalus, but he stayed in character. He unrolled a scroll, and then he said, “Human beings are given all the abilities of the divine. Each one is blessed with sensors, feeler, perceivers, and communicators. All of us may know things without ever knowing how we know. The ancient scrolls are all within you.”
The Oracle quivered before shouting, “Be still.”

“The Oracle speaks only the truth. She channels the teachings and does not beat around the bush. She communicates what it is, but is short of the how-to’s.

“Being still is like our friend Diogenes, searching for an honest man. How can we find someone who is still, when we only see and look for actions? We must first find what is inside us, instead of looking for stillness. What are our voices? What do they say? What do we believe about the voices?”
The Oracle’s shimmying began again, looking like something from a Grateful Dead concert. His arms went overhead and shook for almost a minute. Then the Oracle took a deep breath and assumed a relaxed posture. His eyes moved around the room, looking with a soft knowingness at many neophytes.
Daedalus unfurled a scroll and turned it toward the audience. The scroll was blank. He said, “It’s time to fill in your scroll. It’s time to remember. To recall the events of your life and what you created. It is you who have created this life. Today with IAM and MA and all the neophytes in the room, you are given permission to tell the truth about those voices that block the stillness.”
Then Daedalus took the Oracle’s arm and led him Oracle out of the room.
Everyone applauded as IAM and MA resumed their places on stage.“They’ll be back later,” said IAM.

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